Monday, March 24, 2014

Painted & Ready for Tenants

April is almost here!  I am about one week away from obtaining my first package of honey bees.  I hope the weather cooperates...  Speaking of Sky Hive, I am happy to announce that the hive is completely painted and ready for bees!  Abby did an amazing job.  The thought of painting a hive seems easy, but actually doing it, is another story.  It took a little over a month to complete, but the wait was totally worth it!  Thanks again, Abby!

Below I am going to post a few pictures from the painting process.  Leave some comments and tell me what you think!

Let the fun begin.  Coffee is a must.
Applying the first base coat.
Applying the first base coat to the supers.
Medium and deep supers with first coat completed.

Chevron stenciling complete                                                                                 Opposite side of Chevron stenciling

Completed hive. Fully painted.
